Hi i'm John, a software engineer.
Welcome to my Website


A Fullstack Software Engineer passionate about constant self improvement. I constantly challenge myself to produce software of great quality for any organization I work for.

My Skills

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap4
  • ReactJS
  • Node/ExpressJS
  • MongoDB/Postgress

Experience and Projects

Union Price is a single page web application that enables users to get a prediction for the price to either buy or rent a house in different locations of Lagos
A fully functioning GUI for an Eccommerce application with google sign in
A web application that makes use of google YouTube data API to search for matching YouTube channels according to query parameters specified by the user and displays information for that channel. Users are also able to select multiple channels as well as view videos in the searched channel by clicking a button
An application that allows users to make a list of todos, mark as complete, remove or delete. All todos are saved in local storage
This application enables a user to make a ranking of their favorite movies, sort them according to different parameters, delete or remove them. All movies are saved to local storage


University of Benin 2011-2017
Stutern Graduate Accelerator 2020


I love listening to gospel songs, playing the guitar, playing chess, watching movies, among others. And of course i love coding , coding is fun.